Dr. Britt and Dr. Preston are certified in Webster Technique through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Webster Technique is a specialized prenatal chiropractic technique that involves aligning a woman’s pelvis, balancing surrounding musculature, and releasing any tension found within the ligaments that surround the uterus. This enhances optimal fetal growth, development, and positioning.

Better positioning and proper nervous system function improve the mother’s ability to birth naturally, contributing to an easier and safer birth for both mother and baby.
At Native Chiropractic, we are here to support, educate, and empower you throughout your pregnancy. We look forward to becoming a part of your birth team!
Chiropractic care has been shown to help women reduce or avoid common pregnancy-related complaints such as: sciatica, lower back and neck aches, morning sickness, swelling, acid reflux, insomnia, fatigue.
Pregnancy is a sacred journey that every woman experiences differently and feeling supported and empowered through the process is what you deserve.
Gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments are an incredibly important, holistic, and supportive way to integrate this experience for both mom and baby.
You have just brought your baby into the world and transitioned into the healing phase of birth! For first time mamas, you are transitioning into your role as a mother as well. The postpartum period brings many drastic changes biomechanically, emotionally, and spiritually. We often forget how much time is needed for healing and recovery.
New moms are considered to be in the postpartum healing phase for up to a year. It is important to ensure our nervous system is clear and connected as hormones balance out and soft tissue heals. At Native Chiropractic, we make sure your nervous system is functioning at the highest level so that your body can adapt to these major changes.

Native Chiropractic is here to support you through your recovery on this new journey.
Supportive chiropractic care through the Postpartum period has been shown to help:
Increase comfort while breastfeeding
Improve ability to sleep
Helps to re-balance the body’s emotions and hormones
Improved mindset
Increase mobility
Support biomechanical changes
Easier healing process